Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
My First Boyfriend..oi

So you have to understand-this is the summer after eighth grade, with a guy from camp the same age as me, who was my first boyfriend. And, I mean, he was sweet and all the first couple of weeks. But I kind of got that something was wrong when I went through a full explaination of how my famiy experienced extreme losses for six years straight and the pain it caused me and he started tearing up and telling me it was just like when his dog got hit by a bus in first grade. And then there was the time he tried to tear me offstage in the middle of a live performance (a musical) because he was crying, and then beat up my best friend (who's basically like my brother) just because he "hugged me for too long". Of course, then he crossed the line when I was visiting my other best friend and my brother was playing basketball outside and was on the side of the house when he saw my boyfriend (who lives five miles or so away) walking up the street. My boyfriend stands in front of my house for at least five minutes just staring at it, and my brother finally comes out and says "Um, can I help you?" The kid looks back and goes, "Is your sister home?" and my brother shakes his head. So this kid stands in front of my house and just stares at if for another minute straight, then walks away. Uhmm, can you say creeper? Not to mention the fact that he tried to kiss me in the first few days of our relationship, basically once we started holding hands. I told him I wanted to take things slow, but he didn't listen. It didn't take me too long until I decided that he wasn't exactly my match, and it was time to look for someone a bit more mature-and a little less creepy-than my first boyfriend. Oi.


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