Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -

My ex and I were in a relationship for one year and two months. Throughout this time we went through a lot together. I suffered a miscarriage and luckily at the moment I am six weeks pregnant. However this New Year didn't start off to great. On that very day, New Year's day I found out that my boyfriend had been lying to me a long. I found out he has a 15 month old son. Apparently, from what the ex grilfriend says is that they were together for 5 years and lived together as well. He cheated on her when she was pregnant and that's why she left him. I met him 4 days after she gave birth to his son and we didn't begin seriously dating until a month later. She states that they been together all along. I come to find out that he also lied about his age. I always had a huge issue with being older than him, when we met I was 30 and he claimed to be 25 and now come to find out that he is really 23 years old. I am in disbelief and in shock that all this has happened. He moved in with me about two months ago and everything was going great. There were no signs or red flags. I'm heartbroken. Of course I kicked him out of my house, but now here I am heartbroker and pregnant. I know things happen for a reason but sometimes you just wonder why? I loved him so much and showed him how much I loved him every chance I had. I don't know how he slept at night.


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