Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -

ok there is this one girl, and i had never had a girl friend before, well she was my cousins friend so we hung out a bit and one night we were kinda of playing with eachother and she decided that she would teach me how to pick up chicks, so we had fun with that then something just clicked and we started cuddling together pretty much the rest of the night until i had to leave, next day she invites me to go swimming with her so, (i love to swim by the way) i jump to the occoasian, seeing a fine young lady in a swimming suit, nuthin better, well when i met her at the pool she already had some other guys there and was flirting with them, quite profoundly if i might add, i went over to her to say hi and she just said hi really quickly then turned her head back to her friends and totally ignored me the rest of the night, i knew some of the guys, they were on my wrestling team, well later on i got bored because she was ignoring me, and my buddies from wrestling were buys trying to impress her i just gave up and left, later i came to find out she had sex with a guy that very night, now we were never offocially bf and gf but i thought we had a little connection going on between us, idk why but i got so heart sick that she would do that with one of my friends i just gave up on life, never knew getting ur heartbroken causes pain, i just thought it was some gay thing but..... it really does cause pain, food is disgusting, and life just isnt as fun, i eventually got over it but ill never forget that connection we shared, mariah if ur reading this, u broke my heart girl, u broke my heart......


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