Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
Repeat Cheat

We were engaged. A month later he cheated on me. A month after that he cheated with two different women. He kept crying and apologising and claiming he couldn't help it that he needed help. I stayed. Then around my birthday i found out he'd arranged to spend the night with another woman. I tried and tried to leave him but he kept emotionally manipulating me and I stayed. He said nothing happened and that it was because I was the only woman he had ever wanted to not cheat on. Then i found out he'd been seeing her for months, taking her to weddings. He said he was going to break things off with her, but I didn't believe him. That was in June. Day before yesterday he messaged me saying he loves me and misses me and wants me to call "when I 'm ready to try to love." He's still dating that last girl...


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