Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
He is not good enough for me

I started dating an old flame from a few years back. I thought it was meant to be. He told me I was beatiful, that he could spend the rest of his life with me and that he loved me. Well, guess what - he liked to drink and spend time with his friends more. He was supposed to go with me to my families house over the Holidays but instead drove a 'friend' (girl) to her house because she needed a lift. He would only come over when it was convenient for him. Well that is not convenient for me and I told him enough is enough. He said OK and that we would start doing things together. That didn't happen, he would still go to the bars with his friends and only come to my house to eat and sleep. Now - he is gone because I dumped him! He is not good enough for me and I will stay single until I find someone who wants to spend time with me!


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