Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
Crazy stories from ex

My ex and I were together for four years. I met him at the restaurant I work at. On our first date he told me an elaborate story about being in the Army's 'Special Forces'. It was full of detail, but it didn't quite make sense. Once we started dating seriously, the Army business still came up, but not as often. After a couple of months I confronted him about his story and gave him full opportunity to confess about his big lie. We ended up arguing and broke up.(temporarily)
Well, we got back together when he apologized and told me all the lying was to impress me. But it didn't stop there. My ex was full of stories that seemed too wild to be true. All kinds of crazy stories about traveling, the military, the government, and so on. Now, during the time we were together I became very close with his family and friends and was able to occasionally ask about the wild stories/lies that I had been told. You would think that after being together for so long it would be unnecessary to continue lying to impress me.
Its been just over four year since our first date, and I finally couldn't handle it anymore, so we are no longer together. But I did end up seeing his truck last weekend and now it has Marines stickers all over it. Go figure!


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