Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -
hopelessly in love

Looking back on it all, I think I always loved him. Ever since we were young, my feelings for him were strong. Admittedly, he felt the same about me. We were always in each others lives, in way way or another. We shaped each other into the people we are today. One day, out of the blue, he broke it off. I was devastated. It's been a few months and I'm still devastated. The day before he dumped me he told me he was in love with me. Then the next day I just simply didn't fit into the equation anymore. Sometimes I think he just get scared. He got scared of how serious we had become, and the emotions that come along with that. I think that's way he was fooling around with the other girl. She is the complete antithesis of me; no similarities whatsoever. He needed an escape and found it, then was overcome with guilt and broke it off. Is still love him. He appears in my dreams more than I would wish. I truly only want the best for him, even after he's hurt me so badly. Every day the pain decreases, and he becomes less prevalent in my thoughts. Time heals all wounds, I'm just letting it wash over me and smooth all the jagged edges he has created.


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