Tales of the Ex @ RomanceClass -

i was a senior dating a freshman. i didnt care about the age difference and neither did he. we made each other happy and thats all that mattered. we dated for a total of 4 months. we both had lied to each other,so we broke up. i was heart broken. he was shorter than i and smaller but he terrified me when he was mad. he cussed me out for lying not remembering he had done the same thing. we became best friends and hung out at least twice a week and fooled around. he text me all day long every day. we loved our relationship. we both got to have fun. i bought him all sorts of things through out the relationship. i spent around $60 on him. he spent like $5 on me. i did any and everything for him. i always tried to make him happy. then suddenly one night he text me saying i text him too much and was obsessive. considering he was the one who always text me first,i dont see how i was obsessive! he told me he wanted nothing to do with me. he hated me. i asked why and he gave me know answer. no one knows why he suddenly hates me. i dont know what i did to the kid. but he hates me so incredibly much...and for no apparent reason.


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