Love Stories @ RomanceClass - My Dream Met some guy online, six years ago. Met him in person a couple of times. Chemistry beyond anything words could describe. Scared me. I screwed up and became psycho cuz I thought if he got too close he'd break me into pieces. Pieces I couldn't afford to be broken into. Well... last night had an intense dream of us being engaged. I was so content and so happy inside. Feelings I never thought I could ever feel before. ...I wish that dream would only come true. Damn, six years later, too no fault own of my own, my dream will never be what I dreamt. You are my dream. I know it, because everytime I think of you, I still get those feelings I never, ever felt before. I hope you are truely happy out there. You are perfect, just couldn't let you know it. .... I love you... Love-O-Meter 2.76 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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