Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Fight overcome by love I am going out with this boy named jeremy. I know that i am really young, seventh grade, but i think i am completely in love. I started having boyfriends in the fith grade and i thought i was in love but comparing those relationships with jeremy they were nothing. I know that i am considered "hot" by guys and i have never gone a month without a boyfriend. Where all of this falls in is that jeremy doesnt trust me. We have been going out for 7 months. I know that he is incredbly in love with me. I can tell by the look in his eyes when he kisses me and when we slow dance. He treats me so great and i know that he loves me so much. He never takes me for granted and when im with him i feel protected. Now, im friends with all the guys in our grade and jeremy always thinks im cheating. I love him so much and would never do that to him and he says he knows that but always gets mad when i talk to one of my friends. Bcasue i love him so much i am not friends with any guys anymore and we are so happy and i dont miss any of them. He is all that i need. I'm not daring at all. I am "preppy" and a "goody goody". I have finally gotton over that though because i love him so much. We make out at the movies and are always holding hands<< we are only 13 so yeah. We got in this huge fight over nothing. We were talking on AIM and were arguing about something stupid and then it turned into this huge fight. We both said the meanest things we possible could and were both crying hysterically becasue we knew what was coming next. I know he loves me though becasue one second he was putting me down horribly and the next he was so nice. He ended the fight like that. He said i was the best thing in his life and never wants to lose me. I love him so much. We are so close. I will always love him and he will always love me back. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 3.50 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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