Love Stories @ RomanceClass - so remeber this wat eva happens alays has a reason and something good will come out of a bad situation. part two as to wat i wrote wen i posted one in back in time well my story is about how i met a guy who was a few years older den me, and we were together for 1 year altough after the first three months he dumped me and didnt give me a proper reason for doing so. i didnt understand how he could do dat wen he told me he loved me. i was really in love with him at that point. den a month later he asked for me bak and i took him back, i had always been there for him he was even the first guy i slept with, he kind of put a bit of pressure on me but cos i loved him i slept wid him. i started to notice we wouldnt talk as much and we hardly had anything in common but i still loved him den one weekend we had a argument and he stopped talking to me so i tried my best to make the relationship work but he just didnt answer my phone calls den a few days later he gets his mate to call me and dump me from him, now dat was jus horrible i was so upset. but i stayed strong and decided not to take him back, eventually i met someone else my own age and found dat i had more in common with him and it has worked out. it was very rare dat i had just clicked wid thei guy straight away and in a way that was the best thing my ex ever did was to dump me cos little did i kno wat was around da corner for me, so remeber this wat eva happens alays has a reason and something good will come out of a bad situation. the above is something i wrote wen i met i my gourgeous freind who turn't into my lover afta i broke up wid someone else. it was all going well untill me and him started 2 spend less time together i tried to make it work but he wanted to break up with me, its been three weeks since me and him broke up but i speak to him almost every day. me and him are so perfect for each other yet he is scared of the commitment ive tried explianing i aint gonna hurt him. but he wont let me move on either cos he keeps calling me so i think there mite be a chance yet he never says he wants to get back but say we mite do one day. i feel so hurt and upset. i thought love was something where u can alaways be happy but i keep geting hurt i jus dont want 2 keep getin hurt. wat he doesnt realise is that i love him more then anything in the world. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() 2.56 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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