Love Stories @ RomanceClass - i'll always love him no matter what he went to court bout 2 days ago and is going to jail for 4 months then going to court again. i know 4 months dosent seem like much but im gonna really miss him. even though i aint known him for that long i'll always remember the good memories we had. he used to always call me gorgeous even if i looked a total state, he'd phone me just to say good nite, if i wiz going somewhere he'd follow me for a kiss, he told the boy that was giving me hassle to leave me alone and so he did, anytime i thought something bad was gona happen hed reassure me it was gonna be alrite and it was. we'd always flirt wit each other and wouldnt even realize. i'll never forget our first the kiss, the kiss that made me realize how much i wanted him. he dosent know how much he means to me but i never had the courage to tell him now i wish i did i had plenty opportunites but never had the courage. i think of him all the time and never forget the way he made me special when we cuddled not wantin to let each other go but now i need to but yet i dont want to im gona need to face it hes gone but he'll be back and til then i'll wait to see him again. i'll always be here for him cos he's there for me.he phones me everyday but i always end up cryin cos i miss him that bad. im not myself when he's not there and my friends keep tellin me ive changed now he aint there by my side like he used to be. i'll always love him no matter what cos my feelings for him are so strong they wont go away. luv ya xx Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() 2.94 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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