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If miracles are to happen on this earth I know I am living one right now

Hi world. If miracles are to happen on this earth I know I am living one right now. It's probably a heart-tangling one for most to understand but its our story. I met "Mark" on Yahoo chats. I am in Florida, whereas he lives in Massachusetts. He was at the time 21, single and gorgeous. I was 32, married and horrendously morbidly overweight at this time topping 182. I am 4-9 in height. Well, I was going through (still am) a verbally abusive marriage that slowly I am trying to get terminated and well he had broken up in January with another girl. He was depressed for many other reasons but we will not get to all that.

Well, we met March 7, 2004. Right away as soon as I entered the chat room I saw his screenname and boom his picture was way beyond heavenly. His age was the only thing I knew and that he was a college student. Well, I figured a new buddy? I have never had been to Mass. and pretty much didn't think of ever going anytime soon. I was to go to Alaska in two months with my hubby and his parents.

Well, I initiated the instant message and right away he said hi friend. I was like friend? He said well you are now. We ensued in a two hour chat ending with our phone numbers and last names.

I decide to wait the next day to call him and I went offline. To my surprise this 21 year old had sent me a ton of those yahoo away messages and kisses, knowing how fat I was (picture was sent) and knowing I am married and in Florida.

He said I am your best friend forever. So we became that till April 7, because by this time the little crush on a cute Italian-Bostonian became love. I admitted to him, and he said that he hadn't told me because I was married. But if I was willing to come see him within a year he would be true and faithful.

Well, after going to Alaska I told my husband I want to meet my "buddy" they had talked before all in the context that I was his big sister, and little bro was him.

Well, so I went we instantly hugged (I was 158 by then) and he said u are so little! He is 6-2 imagine! Well, now I am (120). Well we held hands had some fun (not intercourse by choice) and ended up saying to me we are dating officially now! Well, I last saw him this spring break and our love has taken off to greater lengths and strides.

He is now 22 going on 23 and I am 33 going on 23 lol. We are just loving life, and we have many jealous friends of his not mine except some people that think I am nuts being with a college student while I am a professional mental health counselor.

Amazing huh? Dating one year already marriage maybe in 3 or 4 years? We shall see... to be continued.


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