Love Stories @ RomanceClass - All of this because I decided to write and send a "Hello" note to a guy that I never thought would be the one. I met him on the internet through a singles site. He was divorced, I was widowed. Each one of us had been married for 23 years. His profile was sent to me as a potential match. At first I didn't think I'd be interested in him, but decided to send him a note anyhow. He wrote me back, and that is how it began. We began corresponding regularly through the site, then we exchanged e-mails and began writing each other even more frequently. Shortly after that, we exchanged phone numbers, and he called me first (I didn't have the nerve to call him!). It seemed as soon as we began talking, we were able to talk about anything and everything. I became so anxious to meet him, but I didn't want to rush into anything. Finally, we decided to meet on neutral territory. We both booked rooms in the same hotel in a famous city. We decided that we would meet for the first time at a certain spot in the city. We described what we would be wearing and where we would meet. Well, I arrived first at the spot, of course, a bit early. I eagerly awaited his arrival. Time seemed as if it were standing still. I began to just sit and enjoy watching people, not even thinking about how much time was passing. When I finally looked at my watch, he was an hour overdue. I started to have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, and just closed my eyes, nearly in tears. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up, and there he was. He was so apologetic for arriving so late, but as it turned out, his flight was delayed. I stood up, and he took me in his arms and held me for what seemed an eternity. When he loosened his embrace around me, I looked up into his eyes and when I did, I felt so much love for him. He kissed me for the first time right then and there. We had a wonderful time together. It was so hard to part. We continued our relationship through e-mails and phone calls. Then about a month later, he called me and told me his job had transferred him. When I asked where to, he told me...right into the city where I live. He already had an apartment lined up very close to my house and was living there within 2 weeks. We began spending as much time together as we could, then last year on the 4th of July, we were having a picnic, just the two of us. He had planned the whole thing and even brought the picnic basket of food..(it was an honest to goodness picnic basket too!). As we sat in the park eating, talking and laughing, he asked me if I was ready for some watermelon, which he had already cut up and put into 2 plastic bowls. When I opened the lid on mine, there sat the most beautiful diamond ring I had ever seen. He took it out, got on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes, and we had a beautiful wedding that September. That was almost 5 years ago, and we are still as madly in love with one another as we were then. Between the two of us, we have 5 granddaughters who are the light of our lives. Three of them live 4 states away, but we try to see them at least 4 times a year. This coming summer we are planning a family gathering and all of our children and grandchildren will be here for the 4th of July. His kids and my kids have already made the arrangements of who stays where, but all of the grandkids will be staying with us. We cannot wait. Our life together is nearly perfect. We have our occasional disagreement, but we never have arguments, and we always say "I Love You" several times a day. We also leave each other love notes in different places of the house or in each other's cars. One afternoon recently, I went out and got into my car. I opened the glove box to get out my sunglasses, and there was a of five he had written. Each one had a continuance of the previous message and a clue as to where to find the next one. As I went through the rest of the day, I found another note and another clue. The fourth note only said that I was the love of his life and that he would cherish me forever. The only clue that was on that one was that I wouldn't be able to miss the next one. I knew he had to work until midnight, so I decided to go to bed around 10. When I pulled back the covers, there was some beautiful lingere and a note telling me that he would be home sooner than I thought. He asked me to be wearing that, and that he would have another surprise for me when he got home. He walked into the bedroom about 10 minutes later, just as I was about to crawl into bed, and had in his hands the most beautiful bouquet of 2 dozen red roses that I had ever seen, and he is always bringing flowres home to me. Well, I won't go into detail about the rest of the night, but just that we were thankful we didn't have to go to work or get up early the next day. He is the most romantic and loving husband a woman could ever ask for. All of this because I decided to write and send a "Hello" note to a guy that I never thought would be the one. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.84 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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