Love Stories @ RomanceClass - all i really liked was the way she talked to me about myself well ever since i was kinda younger then what i am now i always had a lil thing for girls but NEVER told anyone my secret. I would just imagine. Then when i was 13 in 7th grade i started comming out a little bit at a time until it finally came out. Then in my 8th grade year alot of girls who found out about me started liking me and so i would just kind of mess around with them and have them come over and spend the night and all my parents had no idea, though we wouldn't really do too much. Finally my parents got me a new computer and all so i started going into teenchat and meeting alot of lesbians and bi chicks. i had a few gf's from outta state and town for a while then i was chattin and i met a girl in there and we chatted and talked and then she called. Finally we hooked up though we were 2 states away it didn't really matter we were in love and still are, at least i hope. We've been together for about 6 to 7 months now thingz arent as strong as they were after her aunt found out about her and tried to get her to stop talking to me and all but she wasn't about to let that happen. she still called and everything. I also talk to her ex which wasn't very smart because she started liking me and i thought i did too but all i relaly liked was the way she talked to me about myself. thingz got bumpy for us then and now we rarely talk i just hope we can make it 2 years until we can see eachother. i pray every night to god she's still mine and we can make it. cause i feel she's the one for me. Love-O-Meter 2.04 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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