Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
when i first meet my true love she wanted my brother

when i first meet my true love she wanted my brother and her best mate wanted me but nuthin happened and a few nites l8r we meet up. i lived out of town and had no car. the nite we hooked up she took me back to her place (i was the 1st guy she brought home) i ended up moving in a couple of weeks l8r i was so happy with her 4 months we could just hang out talk f*ck and have no problems then we started to fite which was hell for both of us but we stayed together after 8 months we broke up and have been on and off for a while i love her with all my eart and would do anything to get her back but she just wants to be friends. my advice dont do wot i did. accept it and be the best friend shes ever had. thats wot i plan to do az of tomoro. i love you r*.


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