Love Stories @ RomanceClass - she tells me one night that me and her are just friends and that she has moved on There is this girl. We met last year in our history class and she sat next to me. We didn't really talk until one day she was crying and i asked her what was wrong. It turns out she just broke up with her boyfriend. For the whole entire school year, she was on and off with this guy. And during all this, she came to me for help because i was the noly one who would listen to her. After awhile we started hanging out and becoming closer. Finally, she ended it with her boyfriend and we ended up together. We were together the entire summer and I loved this girl to death and i know she felt the same way because shes told me a thousand times. Then, summer ended and school came around and she got transfered to a new school. We were so heart broken but we dealt with it. We talked everynight on the phone until she met someone new. She started hanging out with him and talking to him and saying she loved him all the while I had no clue. Finally. she tells me one night that me and her are just friends and that she has moved on. She wants me to do the same thing and expects it but I don't see how she can end something like that which we had so suddenly... Love-O-Meter 3.08 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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