Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Instead of rejection, he proclaimed the exact same love for me My love story started about 30 years ago. I had this mad crush on my tall, handsome cousin that was 5 years older than me. I must tell you he was a second cousin and lived in another state. I would see him only when we would go on summer vacation once a year, and each year my crush grew stronger for him. This continued on through out my adulthood. He married and started a family. I eventually did the same thing but never stoped loving him. Through out the years our families grew apart and only saw each other every 3 -5 years. We would chat on the phone or online briefly and each time my heart would skip a beat when I heard from him. Yet when we were together, we could barely be in the same room with each other. It was uncomfortable for both of us. I was afraid he would see right through me and feel like I was some sort of freak for loving him so. Now fast forward to this year, 2005. During one of our conversations, I finally had the courage to tell him how I have felt towards him my entire life. Instead of rejection, he proclaimed the exact same love for me. He blew me away with details from the past 30 years on how he has kept track of my doings etc..We are so much in love and I can't believe that it has taken us so long to finally share it with each other. Dreams really do come true, and I can't believe that I finally get to share the rest of my life with the man I have always dreamed of having. And thank god we are still young enough to enjoy it, we are both only in our 40's. I guess patience really is a virtue. Love-O-Meter ![]() 1.44 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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