Love Stories @ RomanceClass - I promised to alwayz luv him no matter what I once had a guy who I really luved so very much. We were friends for about 2 years in half. Then one day he asked me to get with him, because he had alwayz luved me. But he just didn't know how to tell me. So, I said no cuz I already had a boyfriend. But I STILL talked to him. Becuz, even though I had a boyfriend, I knew that I LUVED him. So, one day I did get with him. And we where so happy. Until his friends though that I wasn't a good girlfriend to him. He believed it and he left me. We still luved eachother and we still talked to eachother. But with out his friends know that. We would even go to our old skool in 5 th grade. We saw eachother there and we would talk about how our life would be when we would be 2gether. He wold alwayz talk about he would never leave me and how he would travel across the world just so that we can be 2gether. So, we did get back 2gether. And then I told him how my mother wanted to leave to Fresno and he got sad. But he tod me that he would go all the way over there just to find me. Then the next day he broke up with me. In other words, all the promises that we both made to each other he broke. He didn't keep them. I did. I promised to alwayz luv him no matter what. And I still do. Even though he doesn't even want to talk to me or even see. To him, I'm dead. I luv him and I know that I never stoped luving him. Since then I just stop believing in the word "alwayz 2gether." Becuz, my heart id like a puzzle now. Broken to 100,000 pieces and I really don't think that, that can ever be repaied. I lUV J* Z* and I WILL ALWAYZ LUV HIM TILL THE DAY THAT I DIED. That's for sure. Love-O-Meter 3.67 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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