Love Stories @ RomanceClass - It's very painful when you find out they were playing you for a fool the whole time yes love is real the only problem is sometimes the one you love dont love you (even thoe he or she says they do)and its very painful when you find out they were playing you for a fool the whole time and you'd never imagine thats what would've happen but the one thing you should know is never give up no matter what your size is no matter what you look like or what other people say because if you dont have hope or love in your life then you dont have nothing att all .....Another thing ive learned is that you dont need a guy to make you happy and if you do there's a problem because that means your don't love yourself and if you dont love yourself how can you love someone else cant it's impossible no matter what you say or do !!! I've learned that from expeirence !!!AND if you think it'll work out between you 2 but there's a few problems then you should sit down together and find out how both of you feel you can always work it out if you put forth the effort !!!!unless they mistreat you if so GET AWAY FAST ESPEACAILY IF A KIDS INVOLVED BECAUSE THEM WATCHING YOU GET HURT WILL HURT THEM WORSE THEN YOU 2 SPLITTING UP AND IF THERE IS NO KID THEN THEY MAKE YOU THINK YOUR NOT WORTH SH*T AND THEY'LL TELL YOU ANYTHING SO YOU;LL THINK YOU HAVE NOONE ELS BUT THEM !!SO PLEASE TAKE MY ADVISE ......AND ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR HEART IT'LL TELL YOU THE SAME THING AND IF YOUR SCARED TO TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL OR YOUR EMOTIONS THEN THAT AIN'T LOVE NIETHER !!!!SO JUST REMEMBER BE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF NO MATTER WHAT THANX -CAROLYN- Love-O-Meter 4.67 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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