Love Stories @ RomanceClass - I was such an idiot! so I dumped her There's this girl and she went out with a kid, ya? and he two timed her, so they broke up. I was going out with her m8 and when we broke up i started to like this girl. I jsut couldnt get her out of my head. We flirted ever since. We went out with each other but her ex was mad with me so i thoght he woudnlt be my m8, i was such an idiot! so i dumped her. We back out and said f**k it i dont care if he dont like it, and he didnt mind. A couple weeks after These girls apparently knew her and threatned to beat her up if i kept dating her, so i ended it again. And there was a romour saying that i two timed her so she dumped me. And now she wont go back out with me but i think we both fancy each other still, because we flirt like every day, and she asked me out but i said no, im such a D*CK!!!! Love-O-Meter 1.36 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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