Love Stories @ RomanceClass - That day I realized how much guys were scum i was in love with this guy forever and we had been friends for almost 2 years he finally asked me out but he was movin way to fast. we werent gonna have sex but he wanted me to do a bunch of other stuff and for him i would do anything but one day i felt really alone and i just wanted to talk to him but he had other stuff he wanted to do i said no and he kept on sayin if u do it this time i wont ask u to do it again. i was sitting on his lap and he started unzipping his pants i got up and said no im not doin anything i said i cant trust u. he left after we talked and the next day he broke up with me at an assembly in front of a bunch of people. it was all cuz he didnt get what he wanted. that day i realized how much guys were scum i went home and cut all over my arms with a big knife and i took around 125 pills i dont remember much that happend but i was in the hospital for 4 days and i almost died the only thing that save me was the 3rd kind of pill i took it slowed down the others. well my life was messed up more than before and everyone treated me different and i still wish i was dead. Love-O-Meter 3.11 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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