Love Stories @ RomanceClass - I left him there crying but still I want him back Love for me was big. I had my heart broken so many times till I fealt like I wonted to die. One day I found or thouht I found the right one for me. I didn't know that he was in to sex's but he was. But like meany girls story mine is differnt. I went to the movies with me boy friend. And we wernt planning on doing any thing. Well I take that back we where. He told me that we could sit in the back of the movies and do waht ever we wonted. At first I was down with it and then when I got there I just couldnt go throw with it. He was ready and start touching me all over. I told him I wasnt ready to do this. At first he told me he don't care what J'm ready to do it's up to him. But that I couldnt let my respect go away I slaped him. When the movie was over my virgenity was gone. But I told him that it was over. He begine to cry and told me he would never ever do it agine. And I did what I don't thinlk most girls wou.ld do. I left him there crying but still I won't him back. Love-O-Meter 2.20 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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