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But the thing was he didn't know how to treat a girl..

well me and this guy B* were going out...just this year and we were on and off...and he really liked me..but the thing was he didnt no how to treat a girl...just about every other time i was with him we would get into a fight about the stupidest things...usually something he said to me..and after awile i got sick of it...and i told him it was over..well the weekend came around 12 at night he called me...and i was on the phone with my other friend Bre...i told her i would call her bac b/c he was on the phone...well me and B* talked on the phone until about 3am..and one of our frineds D* was with him and got on the phone and he said "look i wanna no if you will go bac out with B*...i just wanna see both of you's happy" and he was rite i would only be happy with him..i mean i love him..and we started going out...but then i was talking to my friends and they were saying how crazy i was b/c i went bac out with him after he treated me like crap...and at this tym i cared about wht my friends thought..i mean im a cheerleader...and i'm tryin to fit in with all of them...and they all said stuf about it..newayz...i dumped him that day..and i started going out with K* but i only did it because i wanted to get bac at B*...after that i was on aol and B* imed me and we were talking about it...and i felt rly bad for doing all of that to him..and he asked me if he would ever have a chance with me again and i told him yeah...and he asked how long i was gonna b with K* and i told him i didnt think very long...but when i finally dumped K* for B* he started going out with another girl about 1-2 dayz after i dumped him...and it hurt..i was talkin to him about it and i asked if i would ever have another chance and he said "prolly but im gonna be with A* for a long time" and i said i no...and well i went out with K* again b/c i wanted to get over B*...and i mean i had everyone fooled...i stoped talking about him stoped crying in public about him...and everythink..i mean i talked to him and we were still the same...but i still loved him..even though no1 new...
Today would be about one week since they broke up...and i donno how to tell him that i nva stopped loving him...i mean i have a odd feeling that he's just gonna laught and tell all his friends...but it so confussing..b/c he told me i would have another chance when they were over..but then idk what he will think...and its soo hard..i mean my friends are all saying that they will ask him...but idk if i want them to or not...


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