Love Stories @ RomanceClass - But Honestly I still think he loves me.... It's been almost seven months. I have been going out with guy his name is P***. He made me smile he made me laugh. He ment the world to me. Until one day I was on Myspace and my x-boyfriend A***** who I havent hered from in months left me a mesage and I thought hey let me send him one back. So I did and he say's I fouund out you moved to Flroida and you have a boyfriend named P***. I sent him back one and said a bunch of thingh's about my boyfriend paul becuase it has only been on and off fisrt because I cheated on him and second becuase we got caught having sex and we had to brake up. SO I kinda hated him at that moment and I siad he was a fat fag and I missed my x-boyfriend. I said I loved you to Anthony. P*** found out becuase I went on myspaceat his house and I stupid me I forgot to arase my password. SO he went on it and he calle me and said what's all this crap about me in here and he said it was over. Then he started to act childish and werid. I thought he he still loved me and I guess when he said he did'nt love me anymore he was telling the truth. But Honestly I still think he loves me.... Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() 2.22 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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