Love Stories @ RomanceClass - As i hung up the phone i new i made a mistake My time was worth it I meet him in a chat room where we introduced are selves to each other. we were both so honest with each other like we made a connection.I liked him so much that i gave him my phone number i was surprised i did that. Something told me that i had to know him.He called me the next day we talked for hours on the phone telling each other are life story like he wanted me to be apart of it. He lived only four hours away and we havent meet. On the second day we told each other that we loved each other. Are love phase was slowly going when we started argueing after 7 month into the relationship. we did have are happy moments but we loved each other so much that even if we fought we had to stick togethere. I couldent stand the way things where going i no longer felt like i ment any thing to him. There were times where i said thing that where so bad that it could of ended are relationship.I try to tell him i was mad i forgot who i was talking to. I loved him so much then he told me that he had heart problems and that there was nothing the doctors can do and that he would die in a matter of two months that we been together for a year.The fighting got worser and i dident want to leave him cause i new this where my life stared and this is how it would end. I holded back all my feelings i called him and told him that it was over. As i hung up the phone i new i made a mistake that i regret but know i cant get hold of him icalled so many times but maybe are love was a hopeless crime. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() 3.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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