Love Stories @ RomanceClass - i have had a crush on a guy Me and my boyfriend have been goign out for almsot a year will be a year march 6, but i have had a crush on a guy and he thinks that if you really love somene that crushes dont happen..well he broke it off with me saying you dont love me..then he keeps texting me the next day and comes back giving me a second chance but he said he wanted to take it slow, but he problem is that even though i do flirt with him and evrything that friends with benefits do and now its been 3 days since the break up and got together and now we are friends with benefits takign it slow and i pray to god that we will end up back togeth eragain cuz i care for him and he cares for me too!and i am only 17! Tina Love-O-Meter 2.26 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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