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E-mail dating DOES work

At the start of sixth grade I just got out of church school and was soon confronted with "dating". Me and my first girlfriend brockup in two days. I didn't ask her out, I just thought, "everyone KNOWS she likes me" and thought what the heck. we're now friends, and she told me someone infront of me in band liked me. Ellie was very shy, but said yes, on Friday. I had to go out of state for the weekend, so I built up the courage to call her. We soon feel in love and E-mailed like crazy. She's shy at school and has to go straight home. So we E-mail ALL the time. If we couldn't E-mail I wouldn't have seen her other side. So this proves two things: Third party hook ups CAN work, and E-mail dating DOES work, if you know who your talking to. Me and Ellie are deeply in love, and we don't have any probloms like "RUSHING" and "NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT".


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