Love Stories @ RomanceClass - i still dont know the real truth about that night. There was this boy and i didnt even thought he new who i was but he askd me out and we were together for 2 months and then he dumped me because he thought it wernt working out. The next day was a friday night and well all went out but he was there with his friend and it seemed alright we were getting along but a couple of days later i noticed that my friend wwas being off with me so when i asked her what was wrong she said nothing and it went on for weeks but eventuakky she told me on the phone that on that friday night she had got off with my ex. I broke down and phoned one of my other friends to tell her what had happend and for her to help me get throught it all but she told me on the phone that she knew about it so did most of his friends and my other friends. I was so upset i felt betrayed and lonely. Everyone knew and kept it from me i felt like i had no friends left. So i phone my ex up and asked him if he really got off with her and he deniyed it even too this day now i forgave my friend its still a sour subject for me and i still dont know the real truth about that night. Love-O-Meter 3.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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