Love Stories @ RomanceClass - I hate him so much but i stil love him so i met this boy at one of my friend's party. He started teasing me but was in a way cute for me. At first I thought him so annoying but at the end i started liking him a the end of the night we exchanged emails. We talked a lot online and he sometimes came to my highschool just to see me. I was startingn to have a crush on him, a big one. He was so nice to me even tough in a way he was so closed up. One night he told me he liked me but he wasn't sure it would work out since he lived in the other side of the city and we didn't see each other that much (we did talk almost every day). One day he seemed weird and distant but he said that he couldn't tell me what happened. The next day we went out with some friends and then he told me what happened after I insisted... he had a girlfriend! He told me he didnt loved her, he just felt sorry for her because she cryed when she asked him and he rejected her... He seemed so confused and sad. But he had hurted me. I like him so much!! and he told me he liked me as well, but after that day everything was different. He dumped the other girl and i thought we could give it another shot. I was so stupid. After a week or so he just told me 'things had changed, i dont like what i used to'. I then realized he met another girl. He broke my heart, cuz it's been a while since this happened and i can't still forget him, neither the feelings i had for him. I hate him so much but i stil love him. I just wanted to love him and be loved by him without getting hurt in the way Love-O-Meter 4.09 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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