Love Stories @ RomanceClass - where there's a will there's a way i was turning 16 when i move out from my mum and moved in with my dad. the night i moved in there was 2 of his mates sitting in the living room. frank was 30, but didnt act his age.he was young looking, good looking. the moment we met their was an amzing buzz and vibe between us. it took 2 weeks for us to start seeing each other. we knew it was illegal and the chances of everyone accepting us as a couple was slim. my dad started to notice what was going on but by then we had already spent two nights together and spent time together whenever we could. the night he told my father we danced before and spent the night in each others arms. my father seemed to accept our relationship.we were thrilled.we could be together! but as the night went on my dad got drunker and drunker.he badly hurt himself in the bathroom.i left the house and spent the night with frank. iwas upset and scared.the next morning i came home with my my mother. i was taken into the house and badly beaten. frank couldnt get in to help me. my dad had rang the police and told them that me and frank had slept together (witch in the eyes of the law was statatory rape) and accused frank of assult. i was taken out of my home by escort and put into a care home 60 miles away. frank risked everything coming to see me the next day. he came 60 miles every 2 days. i was banned from having contact with him and my phone taken off me. but frank got me a phone, money. everything. i am in a foster home now a 20 minute drive from where frank lives and against all the odds..were deeply in love.we talk all the time over the phone and se each other once a week. the time we spend together is too fast but we both now in a few months when i turn 16 that all the waiting and lonely nights will of been worth the wait..because we both know it is true to anybody who thinks all the odds are against their love just remember this know;s no boundaries and obeys no laws..where there's a wil their a way and me and my friend , my lover and my soulmate have proven that and will prove it for years and decades to come! Love-O-Meter 5.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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