Love Stories @ RomanceClass - you just know you're kissing the right lips She was soon to leave, to go away for over a month, my one true love was truely about to go, and step forth into the harsh world, and have no one to protect her, and by no one I mean me. I truely would give anything to keep her safe. But I know she is a strong girl, very profound, and very well rounded. The sweetest girl you could ever meet in that tiny nick-of-the-woods town. She's wanted by most, and hated by the rest, and I have her. There laying next to her in our bed, right there, for me and me only. I have all of her, and I let her cry. Tears started running down her face, and begged her to stop, but all she could do was just loook and cry. I finally stopped begging her to stop crying, and kissed her tears away. I made her cry, I made her realise that if she leaves for that month, that I will be the saddest man alive. And that broke her spirit in two. So I got her to stop crying, turned the Tv off, and sat up, and she sat right across from me in our bed, and we just stared, and she tried to kiss, but I didn't let her, I wanted her to see my eyes, to see that I cared for her more than any guy ever could, I may be 16 as so she, but we will live together for ever, and she saw that, in my eyes. How did I know? She smirked just the tinyest smirk possible. And it was so adorable that I was overwhelmed with love and I kissed her, like I've never kissed a girl before in my life. And I was left with the greatest feeling ever. That feeling when you find that one girl, the true love of your life, and in that special kiss, that one that comes along once-and-awhile in a relationship, you get that feeling, that you just know you're kissing the right lips. I know my story may seem regular and like some book, and it may not even be a love story. But it was the most significant point so far of our relationship, that I truely was able to tell I didn't screw my life up for once, and that all will be alright. I will keep posting stories and poems, things that truely come from a teen in love, and literally in love, not just feel's he is, but know's for sure. And for this teen, it's the first thing I've been sure about in a very long time.... - The Teen Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() 3.47 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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