Love Stories @ RomanceClass - is this true love? is this true love i dont know you tell me in 5th grade i dated this guy when i broke up with him we stayed friends we got back to gether in 6th grade i did not know if we should be to gether so i broke up with him again for one of his best friends he cryed when i broke up with him and i felt like i loved him but i did not know what kind of felling it was him and his friend wasnt all that cool no more but the next year in november i was dating a boy for one year in the middle of 7th grade we started to talk again and fliting while i was with this other guy so i made a disicion to brake up with this guy and go with the first guy from 5th grade i asked this guy back out and he said yes know im are about to be in 8th grade he felled but we have been going to gether for the fourth time since 5th grade for 7 months i really am in love. Love-O-Meter 2.09 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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