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I can't believe that I married my crush of 5 years.

After I graduated from high school, I got a job working for the local neighborhood convenience store. I was 18 years old and pursuing a modeling career. Every day this handsome guy would walk in and purchase a bag of chips and a can of soda. He became one of my regular customers (and favorite) and I quickly grew a crush on him. Through daily conversations (and a little flirting) I learned that we had a lot in common so I gave him my phone number with hopes that he'd call me. He never did.

I left that job when I was 20 years old but remained a customer to the store, making daily trips for coffee on the way to my new job. One day while making a few purchases, I ran into my crush. He approached me and asked how I was doing. It had been 3 years since we last saw each other. His memory of me was as the cashier behind the counter. We struck up a conversation which lead to him asking for my phone number.

A few weeks passed and my crush finally called me. After more than a few failed date attempts I began to think that we would never go out. One night, while getting coffee I coincedentally bumped into my crush at the store (again). I asked him if he were available to attend a midnight stroll with me. I had this now or never attitude about our situation. To my surprise he actually said YES.

And we took a lovely walk and talked about everything. We looked up at the beautiful midnight sky and gazed at the stars. He was such a gentleman. That night ended in a kiss (he kissed me!!!!!) and from that day forward we were never apart. We married 7 months later and have remained happily ever after. I can't believe that I married my crush of 5 years.


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