Love Stories @ RomanceClass - We Didn't Communicate - Now I'm Waiting see its wierd and crazy the guy im writting about my true love were not together anymore he broke my heart almost a year ago we dated in the 7th grade for like three weeks he broke up with me but in the yearbook at the end of the year i wrote were gonna go back out at the end of my eighth grade year i saw him again he had went to high school and im was going into high school but uh oh im moving i was like dang it well he decided that we could still give it a try i only moved like 30 -40 min away so it wasnt that bad but we dated for almost a year then out of no where he brakes up with me i was totally heart broken i was crying and screaming no why r u doing this to me ill change i swear what did i do and he said your perfect im just not ready for something so serios i said well geese what was that year we had was i just a thing and i said i thought you loved me and he said if i know what love is then yes i love you and he also said maybe i wil realize i truly love you and cant live without you well like for two weeks after we broke up i was begging him to get back with me he was my first love he was my everything well the said part is that like i said before its been 1 year since ive seen him and im still waithing for him to realize im the one well he might not sound perfect to you but thats because you didnt get to fall in love with him my only wish is to last with him forever Love-O-Meter 1.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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