Love Stories @ RomanceClass - I'm In Love With My Second Cousin.. I'm In Love With My Second Cousin.. he lives in a different country than me, but not too far away, and ill see him for a couple weeks a few times a year, but the thing is, as far back as i can remember, every time we went to visit my family at this place, all i could ever think about... was seeing him! running thru fields playing 40-40, climbing trees, being chased by cows, and dogs, till the age of 10/11 and since then, i feel lyk im the one chasing him... i never rele saw it as anything other than weird feelings that i knew shouldnt exist untill lately, untill the last time i saw him where it developed and i realised its actually love. i dont know how wrong this is i just know its not right in the eyes of anyone but me... and because of that, i have no idea how to deal with it on the one hand i want all these feelings to disapear, to make things easier, n for him to just be my amazin cousin, but on the other, i dont want to give up, just incase theres someting there as i dont believe one person can feel so strongly for another without it being even slightly mutual.. i know that we could never be together, as our entire family would disown us, n though a translation of love can be that ur willing to go thru anythin just to be with this person... im not willin to put this person thru everythin just to be with me.. i dont no wot to do, as i think theres a chance he might like me too, not love me unless hes real good at hidin his feelings but i think he does like me a bit as he's extremely caring towards me, not ina relative wey, in a friendly wey, possibly deeper than that. when we're together its not like we cousins, its not even like our families exist, its just me n him, n that.. feels perfect. but being this far away from him n knowin that i can NEVER tell him how i feel purely from the fear of rejection and disownment from him , meaning theres barely any chance of him tellin me how he feels, is tearing me apart.. Please give me some advice xx Romance Class: although this is NOT the place to seek advice (go instead to the front page of the website and look for "Personal Advice") I will simply suggest that in the USA marriage between first cousins is not condemned, your society may be different. To be positive, drop a hint to your mother and get her advice on the subject. -- George Love-O-Meter 3.89 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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