Love Stories @ RomanceClass - love on the internet can exist Me and my boyfriend been going out for a year and almost 1 month and i really love him. Its such a long story i met him CHATTING!!!! yea im 17 and he's 17 also he's really nice with me and he cares for me a lot dont get me wrong when i first talked to him over the phone i thought he had lied to me because he sounded really old but then he went to see me and fell in love with him he's coming to see me in two days and im so happy i never thought that i would meet someone over the internet like him and fall totally in love were planning to move out together next year and we just got engaged last night!!!!!! i love him so much and trust me love on the internet can exist. Love-O-Meter 3.30 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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