Love Stories @ RomanceClass - love is out there... I HAVE PROOF I used to never belive that true love was real... untill I met the love of my life!! We've been together for 10 months and now we're engaged! I'm 18 and still in high school and he's in the Marines. We've been through so much already with his training and for the Marines that we know that we can get through anything. We met at school my Junior, his Senior year in the lunch line. He was standing there with one of my, now, best friends. I was talking to my her when out of nowhere he turns around and pokes me and just kind of laughs while saying hi... it was really odd (which i soon found out that being odd is normal for him):) My friend just says... "oh that's Eric... he does that sometimes" well i guess that i made quite an impestion on him because the very next day my friend tells me that he wants to go on a date with me... after that she proceded to tell me that if we did start going out that he wasn't looking for a long term relationship (so much for that...LOL:))because of him going into the Marines and all. I was ok with just a little fling so we went out on our first date with my friend and her boyfiend (which i had know for some time) In the middle of or date while at the restrant he turns to me and says "by the end of the night i might just bite you"... i of corse said... "by the end of the night i might just let you." we both laughed it off not knowing that that would be the start of something so wonderful and amazing something that neither of us were expecting... it was the start of a whole new life for both of us:) We've been together from that moment on... and it's been the best 10 months of my life. Just recently though, about a month ago, i went to California with his mom to see him graduate from boot camp, into the Marines. He came back to IN where we both live and three days after being back he perposed to me!! I said yes of corse... and now he's in SOI trianing back in California, for two months.. but he comes back Dec. 22nd and at that point we are getting married!! I'm so happy and excited! All i have to say isthat if you don't think that love is out there... you just havn't met the right person yet... because love is out there... I HAVE PROOF and his name is Eric!!! Thank You and may love poke you someday too!! :) Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.76 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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