Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
i just walked up to him and asked him out

I had known my boyfriend since third grade after third grade he moved away and we were just friends then but i had been seceretly crushing on him and he never new it so in forth grade was when he moved away i remember being so upset because i had spent a whole entire year crushing on him i even pretended liking his best friend to get him jelous but he never really noticed me. but last year when i was in fith grade he moved back and was in my HOMEROOM class and he sat RIGHT NEXT TO ME! The crush was back on!
We never really talked exept this one time when he asked,"can i borrow a pencil?" Well of course i said yes but after that year i was starting to lose hope so after fith grade when i moved on to sixth grade were i am now i went to this thing called friday night live and saw him there with his hole football team he had gotten so hot over the summer so i decided its either now or never i tried to wait until he wasent with his friends so i could ask him out but they wouldnt go anywere so i just walked up to him and asked him out in front of all his friends and to my surprise he said YES! so now i go almost every time to friday night live to see him but weve been dating off and on for the past five months right now we're not together but we posibly might get back together soon but for now i like his best friend named jacob but only to get him back so thats my life.later!:)


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