Love Stories @ RomanceClass - No boy is worth crying over Me and my boyfriend dated for 3 years,2 months, and 26 days. During that time we had the most fun together. We even talked about marriage and having kids. We referred to one another as husband and wife. i was really in love with him and we got pretty far in our relationship so i thought we were gonna last, but i was wrong. On October 27, he broke up with me and ever since then i've been completely lost! Everything i do, say, or hear reminds me of him and me. I just can't stop thinking about him. And what hurts the most is the day after he broke up with me, he got a new girlfriend. I've heard stories that he was cheating on me so i asked him and he said he wasn't. We still talk and i can feel a strong connection between us but his girlfriend is the problem. I really wanna trust what he tells me but i have doubts. I would give anything to be back with him. He meant everything to me and he still does. I've told him how i feel and i don't know what the future holds for us. Hopefully it's something good. The only advice i can give you,reader, is: "Don't let anyone "take" your heart, Because you could never get it back" And "No boy is worth crying over, and the one that is, won't make you cry" Love-O-Meter 4.56 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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