Love Stories @ RomanceClass - my aunt and cousin lied to us I was 17 at the time and visting my cousin in Texas. My first day there he had a friend(John) over. I made sure that i was back and forth getting John's attention. It worked. Talk about love at first sight. We only got to spend a few weeks together because i was heading to the USNAVY. But 4 months later we decided to get married. On Oct 19, 1993 we were ready to go but found out my aunt took our marriage certificate and decided we should not get married. I was leaving again for the service in a few i was heartbroken and cried my eyes out. Every year i would go online and see if he was still around CURIOUSITY KILLS THE KAT. I was looking on myspace and decided to look him up. Sure enough found him again, this time he was in IRAQ. So I emailed him, not knowing the date it was in fact Oct 19, 2006. He emailed me back the next day. Gosh - and then we spilled our guts without a care in the world. We both found out that my aunt and cousing lied to us telling John that i had cheated and telling me that he got someone pregnant. So 13 years passed and we found out why we never really talked. We are more in love then when we first meet and when he returns from Iraq around the end of November....happy reunion. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 5.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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