Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
what mommy wont know won't hurt her lol

i am 15 my boyfriend is 17 well i truly love him i dumped my ex i was with for 3 yrs well i moved on and started haveing sex this is how it all started >>>>>>>>> my mom found out and fliped when i told her i had sex she put me on birth control then said i could not go to the rodeo i was pi$$ed as you know most 17yr olds can drive well he only lives about a mile away from me thank god my window was not far from the ground lol it was during summer break i snuck out my window about 4 times then got caught putting my screan in my window ohhh man was i really pi$$ed then well ma found out and we got fizzical she called the cops they wanted me on pins and a restarning order tord my boyfriend and i would not do it because i loved him then my parents nailed my window shut now i'm flipping Pi$$ed well my mom is finly working around it a yr later she wants to buy my prom dress i duno i am glad i have a man and not a boy because he comes over and un nails my window and comes in hey i'm not sneeking out so whats the big deal!! what mommy wont know won't hurt her lol


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