Love Stories @ RomanceClass - going to Singapore for two years All my life i have hurt myself so much for loving guys that will never be mine.Then one day, I have deciced to stop loving guys.And I never thought that time will come there would be guys that will love me so much.But then I had to choose one.I made many testings to know who's the right guy for me.And finally I have already known who's the right one for me.But there is a problem, the guy will be leaving me and going to Singapore for two years and when he said about that i cried so much.But he said to me that we have still today until summer so better for us to look on the bright side.And i remember those moments that we are happy together spending our time for each other.And now still we are looking forward for the next years that we are apart.We love each other so much that we are not going to loose each other. Love-O-Meter No Votes Yet Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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