Love Stories @ RomanceClass - if i didn't get out that she would only bring me down with her alright guess this is my first time trying to write about...well you'll find out. guess the only way to start is at the begining, we met at age 6, ya kinda young to be thinking about girls wasn't really i guess. our families were always really close going to eachother's christmases and so on. it was about 5th grade when me and her started to "go out" we went to the same school and i knew that she had alot of other "boyfriends" but she always came up with an excuse, and i believed her.. every time. Even though everyone in our families knew that we were seeing eachother they hated us to be together sending her sister in to break it all up. i thought i had to be with her, long nights of crying and thinking about her made up most of my life. guess this is the part were everything turns ugly in story and so it did in life. her mom was "saved" and she turned into like a overlly christan with mixed morals. the mom insisted on punishing my g/f with mind games taking away her clothes so she can't go anywere for months on end. and non of this helped any with the fact that my g/f loved to get into trouble, guess thats were everything just got worse. g/f started calling me saying that she was so scared that she was going to go to some girls camp hundereds of miles away and me having a friend who went to a boys camp and still is in there with foster parents am scared that someone else will leave. so i guess i fought i tried so hard to keep her making small moves and trying to cover this all up to my parents who would have made me stop seeing her at any chance they had. one night g/f called at like 2 in the morning crying how she was going to kill herself and that she had been cutting herself with kitchen knives i talked her out of it and tried to get more info on what happened, ended up her mom had brought up papers to send her away. my g/f grandma stopped this a week later. my g/f went on a mission trip so that this whole thing could blow over and she was there for about 2 weeeks wen she was sent back for kissing a guy. g/f's mom tried to cover this up and making sure g/f never left the house or anything. g/fs grandma found out about this who told my parents and tahts wen i heard about it. i was furous, i couldn't stand that g/fs own MOM would just try to FORGET about her like that, and g//f mom was acting so...acting like nothing was going on. i seen her only a few times after that and she is getting increasingly worse with each visit, she has been cutting herself all over and she is homeschooled so no chance to socailize. i finally realized that if i didn't get out that she would only bring me down with her, i stopped seeing her and i was hanging up on her calls. i seen her just over the holliday, shes real bad now, and her whole family acts like ntohing is wrong, guess thats were the story ends, to be conntinued i guess, was my first shot at writing this down so might sounded cluttered. well thats wut i had to live with over 9 years now, i'm 15 and shes 16 now, and she goes to a charter school miles away from the school i go to. Love-O-Meter 4.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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