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I still and always will love him with all my heart.

When we first met there was an undeniable attraction from both our parts. It was electric, exciting and intense. Our eyes locked, and that was it. I had never felt that instant attraction for someone in my entire life. I knew from the day that we were going to be together. I know this sounds bad, but I didn't even know if he was married or attached, but I knew we would hook up eventually. At first, we had to keep it casual because A)we worked with each other and B) we were both in relationships at the time. I was living with my boyfriend, and he was dating his college sweetheart. As time wore on, our attraction grew more each day. When I would go into his office he would want to know what I had done the weekend previous, he would ask about my family. Then, as it so happened, we both became single. That's when we started going to dinners/movies, I went over his house and fooled around. We never made love, just fooled around. (Long story) He was always suspicious that I had another man on the side or that I was still involved with my ex. I told him I wasn't repeadedly, but he never believed me. I was saddened by this, because I was really falling for him. I didn't know what else to do to prove to him that it was him I wanted and cared immensely for. In time, we exchanged hurtful words and all but disolved the relationship we did have. One day we were having a discussion and he had said he didn't want to share me with anyone else. I told him the same thing. When I told him that he had a chance with me, all he said was that it was bad timing. An ex girlfriend had come back into his life, and by that time it seemed like all we did was hurt each other and make each other jealous. All these different girls would call the office for him, I would go traveling with my friends and date other guys and parade them in front of him to make him mad. I eventually quit the job because it was too hurtful for me to see him do what he was doing. He sent me an e-mail on the eve of my last day and said he would miss me and that he was glad he got to know me and to try and keep in touch. I still and always will love him with all my heart.


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