Love Stories @ RomanceClass - i still love her and that's the true it happend almost five years ago when i was seventeen i never know how to love but somehow i fall in love with someone she was my cousin she comes to visit my country.and we both felt same each other.and then the time comes when she goes back i never could say to her that i love her even she wanted me to listen from me once..but after her gone back i felt like expressing my feelings about her but time has been passed and due to some family problems i only manage to talk to her on the fone once only once immediately after her gone back..its 5 years passed today and i never could know whether she loved me ornot..infact she kept me in wait for good time during this period i had alot of offers which has been refused by me just because of that today i came to know she is married and enjoying her life with her husband but certainly this was shocking news for me but somehow i controll my feelings but you know i still love her and that's the true. Love-O-Meter 4.50 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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