Love Stories @ RomanceClass - i think he was the one and he just slipped away.. I started college in september and started in tennis club. I met this guy there who was really nice to me - he took me under his wing and started to teach me - I've now been asked to join the team thanks to him. I dunno when it happened but I gradually began to like him but never worked up the courage to tell him. I found out after xmas that his course has been moved to another college 2 hours away - he's doing a masters (Im nearly 20 he's 22).I was gutted. He moved 2wks ago but came back for a concert - we met up at it and afterwards we ended up kissing - it was so perfect - no one else has ever been so perfect - it just felt so right. He told me he's liked me all along but that because of the move it cudn't happen...i tried for ages to persuade him but he's done it twice b4 and it ended badly. He's afraid of hurting me..i ended up crying in his arms - he walked me home and it was damn near impossible for him to leave...I can't forget him now...i think he was the one and he just slipped away.. Love-O-Meter 5.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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