Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Our school has voted us cutest couple There is this guy and we went to school together. The whole year I pined after him but he was totally in to someone else so I decided to pursue another guy who soon broke my heart. The first guy and I became really good friends and he helped me get over #2. One day, he asked my best friend if I was interested in anyone because he really liked me. My friend told me and five minutes later he tried to ask me out on email. Of course I was thrilled but I said that he would have to ask me in person because #2 asked me out on email and it turned out he hadn't even meant it. I had to see the truth in his eyes. In two days he asked me out with the uttermost sincerity and I said yes. It turned out that he had liked me for over two monthes and wished that he had asked me out sooner. We are so happy together, he calls me perfect and is so sweet and caring. Our school has voted us cutest couple and I am glad that that's finnaly what we are. Love-O-Meter 3.29 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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