Love Stories @ RomanceClass - we are looking forward to the next crazy adventure It all started when one of my friends told me that "he" liked me...I didn't believe her because he was behind me kicking me when she told me. Before that point I didn’t know I liked him...but I started to like him. After winter break, I started talking to an old "friend"}{I hated her before}{. I was surprised to find out that my friend would end up liking his brother. Her and I became best friends and started hanging out more and more we mostly talked about the two brothers that had us crazy. We didn’t know it at the time but her cousin knew them. When we found out he knew them we started asking questions. He told us that we were just like them because all they talked about was us! After that school started getting better. After a while things started going better. My friend and I came up with a plan, just to see if they would fall for it, it worked. Our plan was to go to the mall on March 13, 2004 and when we almost arrived and were at the stoplight we turned around and they were in the van behind us! They followed us inside the mall; I kept saying "What if they’re following us?" I had no idea I was right at the time. Almost that whole week "he" didn’t go to school till that Thursday and Friday. I had no idea that would be the last time I would ever see him again! The year ended and I went on, but I still thought of him. Then last year everything came back, he didn’t come back, but I saw everyone again his brother, my best friend, everyone, but not him. My friend started liking him again and so did he, but they NEVER went out he had somehow been expelled; he started a downward spiral since his mom died. Love hasn’t worked out for me, or my friend, but we are looking forward to the next crazy adventure. Love-O-Meter 3.85 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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