Love Stories @ RomanceClass - he broke up with me my name is ashely, i was a girl that was most popular of having a boyfriend after another. well this one girl i was friends with had took me to this boy house and his brother was there. i lied to my momma and told her that i was going to my bestfriend house, but i was really goin to this boy we was over there and we ened up staying th night over there. wheni was there i was raped. it ws very bad, the girl i was with was there,but she didnt do anything. i told my boyfriend, which was my first love told me that i was lying about it and he broke up with me. my heart was really broken. i loved this boy truely and i was very hurt. the boy that raped me is in jail right now. so when my boyfriend foun out what really happened. we got back together and we been together for 11months and 3 weeks. Love-O-Meter 1.74 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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